Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Having the best things is no substitute for having the best life.

I was reading the March issue of O and I thought I would share with you some of her thoughts on her weight loss. She has decided it is not about how her jeans fit or how she looks. It is most about optimal health and optimal living.

Here is what she says, " Only now do I get, get, get it! The connection is about loving, honoring, and protecting yourself. Many times we insist on having all the best things because that is the only way we can ensure "quality of life" for ourselves. I can neglect myself in every other way, but if I have the best watch, purse, car, or square footage, I get to tell myself that I am the best and how much more I deserve.This is what I know for sure: Having the best things is no substitute for having the best life. Spring is nearly upon us. New life awakens. Allow it to awaken in you and not just around you. Whatever the challenge- overeating, overindulging in any substance or activity, the loss of a relationship, money, position - let it be an open door to your holiest revelations about yourself, an invitation to your best life."

I could not agree with her more. Whatever is holding you back...let it go. Life is too short and we need to start living the best part of it now!

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