Friday, April 24, 2009

Hi Everyone. It is about time that I get on here and tell you a little about myself. I am 35 years old. I am a mother of three and a full-time third grade teacher. When I was in highschool I was active every season and all of the time. I could eat whatever I wanted and it never mattered. Then I started college and the pounds creeped on a little. I was still pretty active. Then marriage and three kids later and I had found myself over 100 lobs heavier and feeling miserable. I was taking medication for high bloodpressure, diabetes, and depression. My blood tests were terrible and my liver was not doing well at all. I started to meet with a Dr. to discuss Gastric Bypass. I was the perfect candidate. Not only did I need to lose the weight...I needed to change my health status and quick. The surgery was a success and the detoriation of my liver was stopped and over time it will repair itself.

With every pound that I lose I become more sure of myself and the life that I want to lead. I love to cook, and eat. I want to learn to do both of those with great will power and resposibility. I love excercising and will tell you more about that soon! :) Most of all I love that I am a more active mother to my three boys. I am now IN THE GAME with them... the game of life. When they ask me to play kickball, the answer is "YES!" I year ago that would not have been the case. I want to teach them how important it is to lead a healthy life and to make well informed choices about what we do to our bodies.

We all have things that are battles for us. This is one battle that I am determined to overcome everyday. I feel better. I sleep better. I have so much more energy. All of these things make me a better person, wife, mom, teacher...

I hope that as I continue on with this blog that you will join me in the quest to GET IN THE GAME... the game of LIFE!

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